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I remember how frustrated I was a few years ago.

As an artist, I have always loved the process of creating.


However, there were times when I found myself struggling to feel joy and inspiration.


I would sit down to start a new project, but instead of feeling energized and excited, I felt burnt out and drained. 

I lacked the motivation and creativity I needed to create my best work.

At first, I tried pushing through the exhaustion, hoping that if I just kept working, inspiration would strike. 

But as the days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months, I realized that my approach wasn't working. 

I was still struggling to find joy in my art, and my work was suffering as a result.

It wasn't until I started prioritizing self-care that things began to change. 

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I wrote this e-book of daily self-care tips for fellow musicians after struggling with burnout as an artist, prioritising self-care, and realising its positive impact on my creativity.


Now, I'd like to offer you a choice.

I love the idea of free being actually free, and my philosophy is that it's not free if you're paying for it with your e-mail address.

With that said, I'd love to have you in my e-mail community where I share weekly tips on overcoming performance anxiety and self-doubt for a fulfilling career. Occasionally I also send out some gifts and let you know if I am working on something that might be of interest to you.


Plus, you get exclusive access to my cat's most judgemental photos when you subscribe to my letters!

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Share your email address so I can personally reach out and offer you a discounted Audition Saver session in addition to my monthly letters:

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Or if you just want to download the ebook, with no strings attached, click here:

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